The Lost Coast of CA: Waves of Unusual Size and Force
Posted by Carl Hutzler
California is a long way from Salt Lake City so I decided to fly from DC out to San Fransisco and rent a car and meet the crew there instead of endure the 12+ hour drive. After about a 4 hour drive north, I found myself in Shelter Cove, CA. A small town right on the Pacific Ocean with a resturaunt or two and a landing strip. How many days of the year could they actually use the strip with all the marine fog in that area? I don’t know. But it was there and very well maintained.
Shortly after I arrived, the SLC crew got in and we dined at the Shelter Cove Restaurant. Food was good as I recall. But the view and sunset was to die for! Now I know why people lived here.
We made camp on the beach just north of town. The beach was small rounded stone and it was actually quite comfortable. We needed to stay there in order to get our bear canisters and back country permits at the office in the morning before our LONG drive to our starting point, about 30 miles north.
The next day we set out for the backcountry office and got all squared away with our bear canisters and tide charts and everything we would need for our adventure.
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